Tuesday, November 10, 2009

HALLOWEEN Phan-Film A Sucess!

Last Halloween's Premiere of the Southlan-Film's phan-film HALLOWEEN: RETURN OF THE SANDMAN was a tremendous success.  It first had a premiere screening on October 20th at the Gwinnett Center where it was greeted with an enthusiastic audience before having it's World Premiere online at You Tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JF5GH1Q3F9s in which it was separated into 7 parts (or 73 minutes).  The featurette has gotten great reviews from fans which is whom the film was made for.

Writer/producer/director Ron McLellen was at had at the Gwinnett screening (as was most of the cast & crew of the film) to support the film and to see it on the big screen with an audience.  Although McLellen plans to do more phan-films in the future only time will tell if he does a sequel to this one.